Here are a few of the many scenarios where my services can benefit your business:

You have worked with a communications consultant to select a carrier from among several
offers and are about to sit down to negotiate based on the carrier’s standard contract.  Will
your non- legal consultant know what issues in the carrier’s contract are important and which
are potential time bombs?  Will you?  The consultant may know the upfront price, but he won't
know the crucial legal issues in the contract - provisions that guarantee the price and service
quality, and can make or break your business if it depends on telecommunications.

You are coming to the realization that telecommunications has slowly and quietly becoming
the lifeblood of your business.  But you have a hodgepodge of contracts for voice, data,
Internet and mobile services.  No single person in the organization has a handle on your
telecom spend, how it can be reduced, or what your risk of catastrophic network or business
failure is.  I can work with you and your telecommunications consultant to rationalize your
telecom spending and ensure that you have the service level guarantees and flexibility to
keep your business up and growing.

What if you want to move from dial-up and a T-1 line to full broadband IP service, including
Voice Over Internet Protocol (VOIP)?  How can you negotiate a contract that will ensure a
smooth transition and continued successful implementation?

What if you are thinking about operating an interactive website to promote and sell your
company's products or services?  I can advise you on applicable laws and help negotiate
agreements with hosting firms and other providers or strategic partners.

What will you do if your communications carrier is threatening to take down your company's
critical website or its broadband access because an authorized user has been illegally
storing pornography or copyrighted materials on your corporate server or because a hacker
has captured your server and is using it to attack other computers on the Internet?   How do
you keep your service up and running?  Are you liable for the employee's or hacker's

What will you do if you have a billing or service problem with your carrier?  I can analyze the
contract and the facts, advise on a course of action, and represent your company in any
arbitration or litigation that may result.

If your company is acquiring or merging with another company, you may need to do regulatory
and communications due diligence to ensure that there are not hidden issues, and that
projected synergies from network and communications expense reductions can be achieved
without paying exorbitant early termination fees under existing contracts.

You have a terrific new software program that will increase productivity across several
industries and offer users tremendous cost savings.  You want to sell it using an
applications services provider (ASP) subscription model to generate a steady monthly
revenue stream.  I can work with you to contract for the necessary communications
infrastructure and services, plus help you structure the customer contracts so the new
service succeeds.